Tuesday, July 14, 2015

More ~Fun~ Facts About Oman

1. The mold grows fast and dark. Consider storing your bread in the freezer. Definitely store your bread in the freezer.

2. Everything is castles. I was on the rather broad Wikipedia page for Islamic Architecture today (واجب) and it said that Islamic architecture is based on four forms of building: Mosque, Tomb, Palace, and Fort. In my expert opinion, Omani architecture is entirely based upon the latter. Every town has a fort (or several), and the roofs of most buildings are crenellated, and most houses are surrounded by thick concrete walls. Even the water tanks look like little watchtowers. It's great.

3. In 1970, right after the coup that put Sultan Qaboos in power, some observers though Oman would become a democracy (!!!). More interesting things about Omani history in this article.

4. Here are some random and questionably translated Omani sayings:
     الوقت كالسيف إن لم تقطعه قطعك - Time is a sword; if you don't cut it, it cuts you.
     يا غريب أديب - If you're a stranger, be polite (it rhymes in Arabic).
I have another one about camels, but I can't find it. Subscribe for updates.

5. I have five hours or so of homework every night. Help.

6. I'm bad at blogging consistently, especially without the (not-yet existent) financial incentive that IES provided. Asif. I've been around and doing things, but my camera's still broken and so all you can look forward to some sad image-less posts. We have a week left of Ramadan, Eid this Saturday, I went to a wadi last Saturday and it was glorious and I also managed to burn the bottoms of my feet on hot rocks. More updates to come (mumkin).

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